The MindShare Podcast

Are You Ready for What We’re in For this Fall?

David Greenspan Season 2 Episode 88

Do you wait until your car runs out of gas to go fill up at the gas station…or do you prepare before the tank hits Empty?

Do you wait until you are getting rained on to fix that leak in your roof, or are you all over that making sure the rain doesn’t get in?

Do you wait to adjust your marketing budget, your spending, and your work habits until a global pandemic hits, or are you reading for anything life throws at you at anytime?

When Covid first set in, I saw many top earners, and top team start to tighten budgets. Fear of a lack of income in the coming months. 

Although everyone had to adjust in some way. Many Realtors closed the wallet right up. Again the fear of not making any money for several months was very real. 

That said, there were many Realtors who also just kept pushing through. Many acting irresponsibly, but many more acting very responsibly and ensuring they will continue to push through no matter what.

The ones that continued working, they may have trimmed a little here or there, and I do hope that everyone reviewed their budgets and strategies regardless of the decisions you made. 

The spring market got crushed because of timing. But this summer market seems to be making up for all of that lost time.

The question now becomes – what are you thinking is going to happen for our fall market, and are you prepared no matte what?

On this Episode called 'Are You Ready for What We’re in For this Fall?', we look at some of the factors that will no doubt affect our Real Estate Market and therefor our income, including Mortgage Deferrals, School, and an already too high Unemployment Rate.

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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