The MindShare Podcast

The Mindset of a Leader, with Special Guest - RE/MAX CEO, Adam Contos

David Greenspan Season 2 Episode 93

This week on the show I am joined by Special Guest - Adam Contos. 

I've been following him for a while now, and really appreciate his content. 

He used to be a member of law enforcement including the Marines Corps, Deputy Sheriff, and SWAT Tactical Commander. 

And after a successful career, he transitioned, and started with Remax in 2003. Taking on different leadership roles along the way, in 2018 he was named, and currently sits as CEO of RE/MAX.

His content speaks to me, It's about the way we need to operate, the mindset we need to live, so we can have the success we want to have. His track record is much deeper than what I described above, and his proven leadership needs no words.  

This episode is all about the mindset of a leader. Enjoy!

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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