The MindShare Podcast

Celebrating our 100th Episode!! This is How You Achieve the Freedom and Flexibility You Want in Life

David Greenspan Season 2 Episode 100

This week on The MindShare PodCast…it’s just you and me. 

I figured, it’s the BIG 1 0 0 , I want to do something different, it’s been an absolutely crazy ride this year, and there’s a whole ton of stuff going on in everyone’s world, that for some reason it feels harder to keep up now, than ever before – don’t you feel like that too?

The reason for this – we as people have endured a behavioral change because of smart phone technology, that got magnified by covid. 

Think about it – We are stuck to our phones. 

We are so used to looking at these things that we don’t even notice the amount of time we actually spend on them. Then add in this whole new world of video conferencing becoming something everyone does normally now to connect with each other….all we do is stare at these screens. 

And then on top of it we have families, and we have business, and yes I say on top of it, because all of this time we spend on our phones scrolling aimlessly on social media, it could be put to use in many more effective ways if we just controlled it better.

And the crazy things is - the 2 big reasons we got into this industry are:
- Freedom 
- and Flexibility

Freedom to work on our time. And the Flexibility to do what we want, when we want. 

And as you’re shaking your head right now, going ya that’s what I thought at first…I get it. 

So help me celebrate this huge milestone by tuning into this episode so that I can help you learn how to take back control of your time, achieve your goals, and have the freedom and flexibility to do what you want, when you want.

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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While on my site, be sure to download your free copy of The 7 Ways To Communicate eBook. It will help you know how to deliver the right message to right audience across the right channel, so you can build more MindShare. 

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